Current Supervised Visit Locations:

  • Pasadena
  • Fort Bend
  • Kingwood

About Group Visits:

  • Depending on location, visits are scheduled on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month or the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month.
  • Visits are  for 4 hours unless other arrangements are needed.
  • A staggered arrival and departure time ensures no contact between the parties.
  • Visiting Parties are encouraged to bring indoor / outdoor activities, games, movies, crafts, etc,. as well as food, drinks, and snacks to enjoy during visits.
  • All decisions are based on the best interest of the children. We do not make recommendations to the court nor do we determine the length of time parties participate in the program.
  • We do reserve the right to suspend or terminate services for refusal to comply with the SAFE Program rules.
  • We have no authority to “enforce” your order. Concerns of that regard should be discussed with your attorney.


Visit fees are $70.00 per month to be paid by the visiting party
unless court order states otherwise. These fees are due the
1st visit of each month.